Angel Grove Net

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Posts Tagged: 'iomhar+vael'

Jun. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Fatherhood is a whole new kind of hell.

Not gonna trade it for anything. Just be lost without Ana and Angela to guide me.

Jun. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

I need something to do. Or something to destroy.

May. 18th, 2017



[Locked From Aedan]

My nephew's run away, again, without permission, sent messages pretending that he was my brothers to convince his boyfriend he had that permission in the first place, and has generally put himself in harm's way by dismissing his security team for the week.

And it's become my task to keep an eye on him from a distance, and make sure that he's all right.

Ser Damien, we all know you are keeping him safe just now, but I still want to confirm it for my brother. Perhaps we could all talk in person?

April, Lass? Interested in a mission to check our lad's all right with your unique skills? Np confronting, my brother has a special plan for that, and getting him home, but I WOULD like to ensure everything's as well as it can be otherwise.

I've got work to do, let's get a team up then.

May. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

You'd think after being here longer, I'd get used to it. But seriously haven't. If anything? I'M BORED.

I know I should be thankful for all the peace... but what kind of life is it worth if you're not fighting to keep it?

How do you people cope.

May. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

I need a gym buddy. Because I don't get shit done when Cath helps


Apr. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Why did me and my wife and husband manage to make a baby army? This is so tiring.

Apr. 11th, 2017



Accidental voice post

[ Shuffling is hard as she inspects the phone then a meow is heard ]

I don't know, Winky. I've never seen anything like this before.



[No Subject]

What I wanna know is who gave this full moon it's name? 'Pink moon'? Yeah right.

We always called it the 'egg moon'.

Apr. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Mm,its really true what they say. New clothes do make the woman.

Speaking of. I'm quite impressed with the stores here. I may have to do a hostile takeover.

Apr. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, the rules HERE make shite all sense. I'd no idea your guard...police? would take offence to a man in the wey o' drawing his sword to knock some sense into a fool it was weel wared on, and that not only can they take my blade, they've the right to take me ower the coals as well. I've not had much luck getting bail until just now they let me go before the judge who tells me I could be sent to th gaol ower something so simple as a sword for up towards 4 years. Add more for what they're calling an 'assault' , and my first days here havenae bin sae easy as I'd hoped.

I'm told I need a good solicitor...

Mar. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

And what in the void is all THIS then?
Someone want to point me towards Johanne Harriman? The Flint company of mercenaries?
It seems we're due some words.