Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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June 21st, 2021



Locked from Yvette and Desmond

Mediating a situation with my girls at conditioning clinic has, yet again, recalled a circumstance from my own life that I never properly dealt with, and I need to. Priya, my favorite Hooker EVER has been having a stand off with Twilight and Eclipse, two of the Bellas (yes there are three. The other is called Moon), which is messing up our Front Line, and could hurt them if they play together on a team again or in a league and...we had to deal with it today.

Sofie is better at the interpersonal things than I am by far and...It got me thinking of my own conflicts, as this was SIMILAR, though it had to do with a boyfriend, not a mentor, and...

How'd you apologise for a thing you don't think was wrong but you've found out hurt someone anyway? I have no regrets for my feelings at the time, or standing up for myself, but I regret that this person was collateral damage in a confrontation between myself and someone else all the same. I have the responsibility and the obligation to make things right between us and settle this with some measure of civility and decency, as any reasonable adult with a sense of decorum should.

If I don't want my girls to do it to each other, and would want them to fix it...I have to do the same...

Suggestions would be helpful here.



[No Subject]

I'm about to make this place a lot more fun