Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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June 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

i think its time i started lifting weights gain some muscle and see if i can wear trousers that dont belong to my little sister or cousin. no to mention stamina.

anyone here a jim person? Or wiling to be my workout buddy?



Locked from Jacob

Coming out to parents who you know aren't going to be horrible about it is best done in person, right? It's time I stop being afraid he's going to think I'm strange and weird and it. Pretending I'm something that I'm not is stupid when there's worse about me than what I like and what my gender is to contend with.

...I'm asexual by the way. Demiromantic though. I fall in love with friends sometimes, even though I don't want to sleep with anyone.

I'm also not a human AND supporting Scotland in the Euro 2020...

...So... I'm telling him tonight, I think... But any ideas as to HOW? Should I order a cake that's black and purple with grey and white icing on the inside, or...



Forward Dated to Friday Evening

You know how you get a phonecall when you're arrested?

...This is my "phonecall".



[No Subject]

Obsession holds water better then love
But a cliff is still a cliff
when the worst thing you have been through
has always been a fair fight
But a bride is still a bride
until thou say differently
Because they don't know
what silly is