Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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May 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

If there is one thing I’ve learnt from my friends, it is that most need a job to survive in my, and now, this, world, and initial stipend or not, I do not intend to get comfortable in my rented hotel suite forever. Is there any work to be had? Does anyone require a flatmate? And, while we are at it, can someone recommend a good doctor? I’ve a few questions about advances in medicine since my day, since I imagine there are many and the idea is fascinating.



So -

[Posted at a ridiculous hour of the morning, due to a night shift.]

She seems to be using a lot of packaged shortcuts and a bit mild in flavorings, but - anything in there that appeals?

A link to a Scottish cook on youtube. )



[No Subject]

i want to move i think. too many awful memories asociated with the central lowlands somehow. No with my family but with the environment and...

But...the Highlands maybe, or the islands or...somewhere i can start again whilst being close enough at least to visit when i can. im a young man relatively speaking and i dont have to live with ALL of my mistakes. it is still posible to start again. itd take finding space for my beasties but its a thing to consider closely, hm?

putting it all behind me in a place i wont be the fuckup who is never good enough for at least a little while until i fuck it up again's appealing...




[No Subject]

No poem this week, but some comforting things you probably need right now.

You were once small enough to be carried to your bed
you might still be small enough to be carried to your bed
Dogs and cats exist
Accidental alliteration
You share the same eyes as your younger self. Even now, seeing the world in a different way, the eyes are still the same.
Its ok to cry over things you thought you moved past
The definition of the word serendipity
you do not need to wear matching socks, its just feet who cares.
when you really start doing things for yourself? their opinion matters so much less
Anxiety is just conspiracy theories about yourself, and its never true.
Someone will always be proud of hard you try, or far you've come.
You are the one person, over the course of your life, you will get to know best.
Its ok to make mistakes.