Angel Grove Net

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February 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Am I in the 1995 remake of a classic 1976 coming of age comedy staring Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris? Because THIS is one Freaky Friday! So, hi there, internet! I’m Mr. Peanutbutter of 90’s sitcom, Hollywoo game and reality shows and the current hit show Birthday Dad and I REALLY need to get back to set right now, because it’s looking like I stepped into a big pile of trouble and it’s out of my paws to fix alone.

Of course for some weird reason, I don’t HAVE paws right now and I seem to have been turned into a human because WHHHHYYY? Is this the girls and guy and other person in makeup pulling a prank? Did you help them, Erica? Ummm Erica? Where’s Erica, you guys? Look, this is really funny and all, but my producer will be madder than my first wife. Katrina if filming gets messed up so...

Can somebody help me out? Give a bone if you know what I mean? Haha like in my themesong! Awesome pun! I think that one’s a pun, right?

Seriously, though, I’m completely lost and totally confused again. I’d love somebody to help me out here. Pretty
Pretty PLEASE? With peanutbutter on top?




[No Subject]

Okay, I guess I'm alive. Again. My angel seems to be missing and I hate that but I'll deal with it later.

So, opinions on the best place to get a burger around here? Now that I have a little extra money it just seems like the best first step. Mostly because I don't know what I'm going to do now.

Oh and I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Adam.



[No Subject]

Я смотрел, как мой брат прыгнул на смерть, и ничего не сделал, чтобы это остановить