Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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October 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

Really sick of the universe fucking with me. Nora would say it's karma but that's bullshit.



[No Subject]


who wants to crash some parties with me?



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cut for imagary )



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It's the full moon, but before I can even begin to think about running loose in the woods and causing mayhem, I have another job that is a little more important than shifting into a werewolf.

Even though Cyrus is still too little to go Trick or Treating, I will be taking Daphne and Taliah. Daphne is going as a fairy, and Taliah is going as a pirate princess. I think it may have something to do with the pirates that she has seen around here. I might take Cyrus too. He may enjoy the experience. At least that is what I hope. Then I can deal with running with the other wolves. Hopefully they can learn to like me eventually...



Voice Post

I have been to strange places before but this land is strangest yet. Might there be a halfling, or a sorcerer or bard about? A flying castle in the clouds? Some help would be appreciated.



[No Subject]

Can I just say that I have the MOST AMAZING BOYFRIEND in the entire universe? I can say that right? Anyway, today is Halloween and my birthday. But completely unaware to myself, my sneak of a man took it upon himself to give me the most epic of birthday presents. A room in our mansion where I can do all of my magic spells. Not only that, but this room has every spell book known to man and with the Bennett witch line of books in the very front. Crystals as far as the eye can see, herbs... you name it and its there. Needless to say I am a very happy girl right now. I don't boast how much I love my man, but I love him with all my heart. Just not on my birthday, but every day of the week. There is no one more perfect.

Now here is my Halloween costume for the night. I think I make a pretty sexy vampire.
Black Magic Woman