Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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August 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

I scratched out some gross fedora boy's eye today.

And I'd be REALLY happy to do it again.

Yes, I'm seeing someone. No, I won't 'give you a chance'.

...Do kids NOT learn not to touch someone's tail here?




[No Subject]

You know, this place is actually starting to grow on me. All this free time and not having to save my idiot friends from big bads on a mid weekly basis? More time for wooing my witch.

And books.



[No Subject]

talking with someone who KENS the situatin helps SO MUCH more than i couldve thought. just being able to say what i was feeling with no judgement or anyone expecting for me to be better is...weel, it's huge.

it's a lang road that's no goat a turnin' after all...maybe my lifes finally got one with a person i can trust enough whose been through the same thing i did even if mines the worst i've ever been thru and his life's goat a LOT worse things than mine has.

perspective eh aye?



[No Subject]

Since I can't have the job I'm wanting now and I ken I'll be needing lots of funds and top marks to be accepted to study for it as is, and I'm tired of being nothing when the whole rest of my family is something, high time I got myself a job for the interim, after school and week-ends and holidays sort of a thing.

I think I'm sixteen by now. I'd no birthday this year but it's past the season I was born in at home, so stands to reason that I am. I'll do most any work though I like herbs,and animals and looking after children and babies, but I'd prefer more formal than just minding children or walking and feeding pets.

Anyone have any leads besides the internet?