Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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April 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

'ad the most 'citing birthday!! The lads even said I was 'dopted!!

'm tol tha' Means I no longer 'ave to be related ta that mean ol' bastard o' a father!



[No Subject]

I'm sitting A levels the second week of May.

That means that this is, quite seriously, the last week-end I can have any fun for QUITE a while.

I'm currently the poll topper in the Stress Induced Breakdown pool, so clearly fun whilst I can still manage it is going to be important.

Anyone want to do anything interesting with me? I'll be at Tyr Ydfran for the duration of the testing, though Father's yet to decide if he's coming along or staying back in our place, and I hate him for considering ditching me. Ten to one he's made plans with the Interloper well, I'll be doing a lot of revising there, and relatively alone so stimulation before those events seems ideal.

I'll be free most of the time, at least.

Locked From Jacob:

I also was...a complete arsehole last week, to my father. I said something I shouldn't have and he looked as if I'd got him with a gut punch. I need advice for how to make that right again. The guilt's a bit much to bear. Taking away the finer details, I reminded a man his son was dead, and told him to get over it.

I...need some way to make amends I do suppose. We're not quite speaking and I know that I deserve much worse, but not how to begin discussing it.