Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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April 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Asking for what's owed one from the person who's ruined the last several months of one's life is difficult, emotionally draining and involves a loss of dignity I'd not imagined taking onto myself, but, well. I've made it clear that I deserve, require, and am owed an apology from a certain person. It need not be in public, the way a real man of honor would do it, owing to cultural differences and misunderstandings, but the words...

I need to hear the words, that he understands what Hell my life has spiraled into, now. NOT because he decided to do something more pleasurable that negated his pledge to me; that is an understandable part of life, but for making me believe that his intent was still to help me in a particular direction. I simply need the acknowledgement that he was wrong. I realise there is no way to repair that wrong, but hearing the words, with an explanation that proves he understands exactly what he did...

I can be content enough with that.

I am so tired of fighting when no one acknowledges that they have been wrong or are sorry for it, after all.

Becoming emotionally vulnerable is rough. I can't say that I intend to put such out there often, but I am relieved to have an end to it, and hopefully to make him understand.



((its meant to be for strange but everyone can see it))


[There's a video attached of him, consuming a small child. In every gruesome detail you can imagine and worse. Followed by his cackling laughter that will haunt not only your dreams but your kids and grand-kids as well]
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[No Subject]

Do you ever wish you could be normal?



[No Subject]


And hungry



[No Subject]

Busting out the charts and oxen carts
The moment we start to fall apart to the core

[Locked to the gang]
Hypothetically, if you were allowed to change or remove one of the rules, which would it be?