Angel Grove Net

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March 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

I do apologize for the complete silence from me as of late. I'm sure some of you have wondered where I have been lately. Never fear, it's just me feeling the pregnancy hormones and sleeping more. I am alright, just hard bringing a new life into the world. Ani has been wonderful as always and especially so when I get those weird cravings at five in the morning or some random time. He finds it amusing, but I am glad I can cause him such amusement. Lord knows we need it after all we have seen and done back home.

Good news though. Ani knows this since I told him the other day. Met with the local doctor. She's a kind woman and I was glad to find one at such short notice. Ani was with me when we met with her, and the baby is healthy and I heard the heart beat. He or she is going to be strong in the Force. I can feel it. Anyway, due date is September 20th, but I was told I could deliver by late July to early August. Reason for that? I'm carrying twins! I was right! Not sure if its boys girls or one of each, but Ani and I are thrilled. I do not think we will want more after they are born. I'll leave that choice up to my faithful husband. I do hope the rest of you are well. I am off to rest more. And steal a kiss or two from my husband.



[No Subject]

I am offered something that I may have wanted, once, QUITE a long time ago, had I know about it, in those days when the only thing I wanted was to live up to my father's legacy, which I admit, was largely kept from me.

I do not want it now, either, not in the way things stand, though I'm told it COULD be different. Am I being short sighted to not at least listen to what the man offering this complete MADNESS has to say for himself and his offer?

They say my skills (I apparently have skills) would prove to be useful as they are, But it involves so many other things I stand against. Or DID involve them if some people are to be believed.

I...require a drink. Several of them in fact. At a place that members of my family do not practically live in.

Suggestions for a place with decent wine?