Angel Grove Net

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December 24th, 2019



[Meant to be on the messageboard in Craigcrook, but got posted on the net]

I know it's late, brother, but I'm warning you that there may be some news stuff with me in it.

Apparently it was really exciting that I went down to some holiday stuff with Sebastian? There might be an interview. Probably some silly headlines.

Just wanted to warn you before it came up at work?

I'll see if I can remember to message Balthier before I crash about it too.



[No Subject]

Thaaat was better than I thought. I was helping with some last minute organising, and then had a phone call, and...I didn’t share the specifics in the actual office, but as it turns out, the universe has graced me with a few things too. The one thing in this life that I could have wanted to make just did. So Lars, my third oldest brother is here. Lars is the only decent brother I have, and the only decent man in the family, and after I tried to seize a kingdom in a coup that was stupid and badly executed, and involved framing a queen for murder so I could arrange her execution and leaving a princess to die, he didn’t really...I could tell that he was disappointed, and we hadn’t really talked since my parents banished me to the stables, but for whatever weird reasons, he ended up here, for now and I think it’s going to be okay, for once?



[No Subject]


I just got the message I been eager to get! I showcased some of my dresses, shoes and scarves for a fashion company I been wanting to be a part of since I heard about it. Granted only very few get invited, and some have been there for years, so it's very selective of who gets chosen. I wasn't expecting to get picked, but I figured I would show some things that I have been keeping. Most of it was inspired by the Isle, the pirate crew and a few places in Auradon that I have given clothes to. So today, I got the message I been eager to get. Well rather, I got a package of dresses and a message saying I was accepted! They must have been impressed by me because I was one of the few they chose! I start after the holidays. I am so excited you will not believe it. This place has really opened the door for me. I can't wait to see what else is in store for me.

Merry Christmas everyone!