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October 21st, 2019



Locked from Meghan, Ellie, Aedan

Parenting's SAE much harder than it used tae be at home.

And I'm not the only one to say so, mind. Jacob's said just about the same thing, so it's kind of funny we're now seeing each other when we're both not managing the parent thing so great.

It's near worse when it's the quiet kids who don't get into trouble who're struggling because they never tell you and they never let their marks go slip or anything conventional as signs. I thank my Meghan would rather die than have me know things bothered her and that's...It's unacceptable is what it is.

I don't ken WHAT I'll be doing about that but, it'll need to be SOMETHING, aye?

It's not as though I was here for so long after my death, a year or two at most, that things like being a father would've changed that much, now is it? I miss when my lass was five and clearly thought I was someone to like, who'd keep her safe, who'd nearly hung the moon.

To be met a few years later with this teenaged one who avoids all to do with me's not on MEWh, the mucking things up is it? Why she cannae make it easy, like it was just two or three years back when she was five is...

Like I said, I dinna ken. But I don't like it, I can say that much.



Locked from Emmett

When you get a kid shouting in your face and slamming doors right ON you, THEN bursting into tears before you've even gotten round to telling them their punishment for something serious and dangerous and forbidden, because you're not willing to give them something that they want, it's a good sign you're ineffectual as a parent, isn't it?

Em's not the type to use this to distract from matters at hand either, so he really does hate me at the moment, because, well, in his own words, hysterical by that point, mind you "seeing as I never get a bloody thing I want, so what's the point again, of being here, with you,exactly, when it's useless?"


My Emmett's got an opinion and he brought it up at last. I dare to guess it's WRONG, but it's HIS anyway..

I think I need a drink or ten.