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September 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

What IS it about people that makes playing the victim so much more attractive than getting the fuck over your so called "trauma"? The attention? The incredible ability to use this shit as an excuse for fuck all kinds of horrible ways to treat people because you're actually an asshole.

Honestly it's not like it's that HARD a thing to do.

...Yeah this is about someone specific, on this internet, and no it's probably not you. Most of you are doing your best here with a lot of crappy stuff that's happened to you. I just want to see the one I'm talking about realize he's an idiot who probably deserved it then AND now and not drag others down into the cesspit that is being close to him.

It's never worth that kind of thing, honestly.

Private: Tony Stark: It isn't you. Everything that happened to you is real and valid and you're coping pretty awesomely, considering. If only the asshole I mean was managing half so well.

Private: Basch:

You know of whom I speak. Don't trust his lying face or let him get too close to you. He'll dump you when he's through with you, besides. It's only about what he gets, not you.



[No Subject]

I just.. I miss my sister. And Lena, I have so much to tell her. And Alex was dealing with some major revelations. And I know that I can relate to part of what she's going through.



[No Subject]

So apparently there is a show about me and my friends. Based on books. The books got the story right. The show didn't.

It's even worse than the crappy tv movie Hanna was in. It feels like I'm a Pretty Little Liar all over again. That was... I thought I was over feeling that way. It was such a terrifying experience, spread out over years.

Emily's parents disowned her too many times to count over this and so did mine. I found out Ali was my sister, and Courtney, and Jason. Like any of the three of them were sibling material. But.. I still feel like shit.

I'm at Princeton, like I'm supposed to be, and I feel like I might start using speed again.



[No Subject]

Learning things in this new century is really hard. Still learning how to use my phone.

And it's not just because phones aren't used in the magical world. And the fact that everyone knows about our world is still hard to adjust to, too.