Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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June 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

I can't... I can't sleep anymore. I keep... I thought that I was done dealing with the nightmares. How... Angel and the girls need me. I need...

I have to stop seeing... all the death. The fighting that didn't... that didn't end in our favor. It is.. I just can't stop. Every time I close my eyes.....



[No Subject]

Telling me I'm not gay Rowling, I know it's a huge stereotype, but dancing around naked to Cher in my London flat whilst magically folding my laundry is great fun.



[No Subject]

It ought to be impossible to be bored out of my mind here, yet here I am, with absolutely nothing I'm allowed to DO that's at all interesting besides reading and I've read everything we have and several books off of the internet as well, and I feel like my head is going to explode if I stare at more printed words for very much longer, video games are out, along with most sports for the month, and this IS becoming frustrating.

It's better than it could have been by far, I can be objective enough to see my life is not sidelined forever. I spoke about that today, in fact, with Father and I think he may be brought around to seeing my point about being allowed to choose my own future, yet, but I WOULD like something more interesting to do than starring at my walls, something that is NOT reading for a little while.

...Perhaps I could organise something practical and useful during this time. Would anyone like to be paid to teach me how to cook? Or could anyone use a clerk of some sort? Or have television programs to recommend that avoid the use of strobe lights?

I'd appreciate hearing that, thank you.