Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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April 21st, 2018



[Meant to be locked. Totally failed]

Is there a way to make sure an email from your school doesn't reach your guardians?

If this is about what I think it likely is about, we're all better off with them not knowing about the things that went down this afternoon. Trust me when I say I'm not letting myself go down without at least an attempt to fix the problem my way and make certain that they never have to know.

That's the best way to handle things that aren't that important that you don't want anyone knowing you've done, right?

((OOC: He's actually not in TROUBLE so much as didn't quite pass a vision screening, but ssh, let dramatic boy have his fun))



[No Subject]

I don't... I don't miss Rid anymore. I did for awhile. But... I know that if I went back home, she still wouldn't be with me. And...

I'm okay with that. It's time for me to really and truly move on. And I really need to work on getting a band together.



[No Subject]

So.... I've never been in that Magic Mike movie. And my name isn't Cooper Anderson.

And when I say so people just look at me like I'm nuts.



[No Subject]

So..... today has been a horrible day. First I come home to a ransacked home....

And second, the cops don't want to do anything about it because I have a husband. So what if I have a husband?! My place was still broken into! Maybe I should call Nancy Drew.



[No Subject]

When somebody you barred from Fryeday Fight Nights turns up at your fighting competition. Somebody you've fought yourself, watched fight, and see using the tips you've given them. Your obvious is showing, Starkhaven, and revealing a few interesting tidbits from the week.

I'd be far more annoyed, but for the fact there was a boy there, short, a little skinny, but quick on his feet, and sharp and smart and...I swear if nothing else, there's quite a lot of potential there. He was in the under twenty men's group, and he's made his way into the next rounds, so I'll be seeing him again, and only hope to hell he's over eighteen so that I can see what he might turn into; he would have been a great Rook, in the world we left behind, but if he's not, it wouldn't be bad to seek him out for my own son to spend some time with, teach him a thing or two about fighting and toughening up in ways he'll probably walk away from and not limp...

Might be a nice thing is all.

Doesn't mean I'm not taking steps to stop YOU, Starkhaven, mind you. And I saw some of you there and hope I'll see more of you in the next few weeks. Non ranked rounds should pick up again after next week when more've dropped out if you're wanting to see what this is all about. You're more than welcome, all of you, to my successful genius and my genius new fighters, firsthand.

I think that things are finally working out here, for me.



[No Subject]

So.. there are books and a show about me.... the show is all kinds of wrong from what I can tell. Ali had the secret twin, not me. And I'm blonde.

Kind of afraid to read the books now. In case they got even more wrong.



Private from Moly Weasley

I don't.. Ginny's mum gives me a headache. I don't know why. And it's not even that she has Bill at home as a baby. At least I don't think so.

And I miss Jamie.