Angel Grove Net

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December 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Okay, so I know this came up from me last year too, but your pal Kevin here has a LOT of things that reoccur in his life, especially during Christmas Concert season, so you can scroll if you're really annoyed, I guess...

Anyway. Two Words:

Vocal Rest.

Great idea in theory, and my throat's thanking me for saving my voice for singing, along with the money and the promos being a great bonus. I love being able to sing here, if I can't navigate for the Enterprise anymore and that technology is literally forever from being developed here, but...

Vocal Rest also puts a HUGE cramp in my style. Not to mention the reasons I've been awake so early lately.

Sooooo, after last week started sucking, I set up a workaround to wake me up when my fitness band starts registering REM sleep. I get an alarm and then a lack of dreams until I start to slip back in and BOOM, awake again, cycle disturbed, sleep but no dreams, everybody wins.

I could help some of you with setting up your own if you wanted, maybe? Seems like a decent offer, right?



[No Subject]

I can't believe Christmas is almost here!

I got used to celebrating with Finn. Sometimes I wish he was still here. It was always his favorite holiday.

And it's my birthday today! I'm 27. Wow.


What are your plans? I might see Kurt and Blaine. He's still scared of me I think. Do you.... have plans with... Ginny?



[No Subject]

Dean? Dean Winchester? Sam?

Does anyone know if there are Winchesters here? I'm Ben Winchester. They're my family.

[No Subject]

Um.... the last thing I remember.... is dying. What... what the hell is going on?

Marc? Teddy?

Marc | Nora

Marc Williford... this your fault? Why the fuck am I here?!


(OOC: trying to keep from triggering a tiny breakdown, don't mind the shouty captials)



[No Subject]

Blimey.... this... what the bloody 'ell is goin' on?

If I was going to be anywhere but California, it could be Scotland. That’s me homeland.



[No Subject]

Someone is definitely getting in trouble for this one.


What is this place? I'm already feeling itchy. Out of date fashion in the windows. you should be ashamed!



[No Subject]

That felt like the worst bender. Like, imagine that time Cas got drunk? Yeah. Worse than that. I've dealt with way too much shit.

Now, did anyone find Sam? Because I have about five earfuls to give him.



[No Subject]

Nearest hospital?