Angel Grove Net

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November 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

The show is going so well! I can't even believe it. In the recording studio at the moment, I can't even imagine it, working on songs for the show's first album. So busy.


I miss you. How are you?



[No Subject]

Badly injured coworkers are a weird thing to adjust to. My favorite’s still out with concussion and while our understudy is obviously fantastic, Ellis and Jeremy have such a different energy around them that changes up all but the tech and orchestration. Kind of wild. Also, it’s not weird to visit said injured cast mate, right? I mean he’s currently famously alone, after a big, dramatic theatre world breakup,’s a good thing to check in, right? He’s really been a good sort of mentor for me too. It’s not crazy I want to arrange to drop by his room at the hospital after they pull my stitches, right?

Edit: Not for anything romantic or sexual for the record. Jeremy's kind of old and kind of plays my abusive father figure obsessed with my stage crush. Since it's been pointed out that that looked suspect. He's actually been kind of great to talk craft with, since he's been around a long long time, but anything else would feel skeevy. It'd be wrong anyway, but it'd feel grosser than, say, Neil Patrick Harris or something. For the record.



Locked from Blaine

My brother was in danger.... he was in danger and didn't think to contact me. I thought we were building a relationship. Who...

I could have been there for him. What if something had happened? I wouldn't... I wouldn't have known. I don't...

Don't know how to feel about this.



[No Subject]

Well I thought so. I'm bisexual. Now maybe I might be ready for a boyfriend.

Although not sure if I want to get one from a club, which is where I've been finding guys to hook up with. Suggestions?



[No Subject]

Okay. Okay. I was in New Orleans....

What the hell is this? I was meeting Dustin.. we just... it was a date. My first one since coming out.

Jason Wheeler, what the hell is going on?



Private to Dorian

So... my name is Wade Wilson. I heard you were single. I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat or something.