Angel Grove Net

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October 18th, 2017




We should talk.



[No Subject]

Well, Dad and I patched things up. And I'm going to law school. I got into Harvard Law, I can't believe it. It's going to be so worth it. I am so happy I could burst.


We should celebrate. And I promise, guys, you'll still be able to see me. That was a concern for Baby.



[No Subject]

First time around, I had a reason to be honest. I don't trust Confession never was my thing, but if it's the truth you want:

Yes. I'm not human anymore. Did some time in the pit and it spit me out different. That's all I'm going to say about it.

Don't try to feed me some crap about keeping it between us. If I know anything, that's already a lie. If I have to show part of my hand, you should show me part of yours. Who else knows?



Locked from Crowley

We don't need fucking Crowley here. Why did the powers that be have to bring him?



Locked from Iomhar

It’s wrong to trick your brother into attending group therapy, but bribing when he’s done it to your other brother’s fair enough game to me, eh no? It’s wrong to play on paranoia but...I may have just agreed to increase the extra funding Hari just solicited from Bas, and to get more electronic equipment in the castle if the council sign off on it.

I know I’m not the one in charge of this family now, but sometimes you do what you must to play the longer game, and it IS for his own good that his arse hits that couch and stays a while.

...granted we’re less family than freak show, as my nephew charmingly coined it, but from the lips of new minted adults comes a great degree of wisdom sometimes, eh?



[No Subject]

Damn it, Bart! Thanks to you I lost my Mayoral run against Quimby!

I can't believe you hate me that much that you would ask people not to vote for me!!

What did I even do to deserve your hatred?!