Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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October 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Just realised I'm missing Brewfest back home.

...this might be a good thing. This world is special enough without drunken goblins.



[No Subject]

Gabriel, if this is your doing, you should know that it’s even less amusing than the last time you decided you wanted to play a game.

[Filtered to Dean Winchester*]
One moment I was with you and the next I seem to be in Hoboken, New Jersey. I can’t find my cellphone, and when I tried to call you on the one that I found, it connected me to a woman named Margaret.

I thought it might have been you changing your voice to be an ass but she started crying and said she was going to call the police when I threatened to molotov her with holy fire.

Where are you? If you banished me I am going to be extremely pissed off.

*Not specified which Dean Winchester, as he doesn’t yet know that he needs to clarify.



[No Subject]

Well, NOT as though I had anything BETTER to be getting on with today than falling through a portal into whatever this is. The situation's obviously fine, and not...

What's happened to my FACE? Look, whom here do I lodge a complaint with? Sorry to say but I don't intend to stick around or return soon, if that much is all the same to anyone responsible.