Angel Grove Net

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September 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Sadder still than living in fear of someone actually here is living in fear of your own memory, and pathetic on top of that, besides. Anyone up for a run on the roofs or something with myself, a frenchman whose father I murdered, but not YET when I'm from, and the weight of our collective pasts?

There'll be drink, but you may want to...I think the term's BYO, just in case?



[No Subject]

This is absolutely mental.

Tell me, has anybody here tried to get back to where they came from, or did you all just give up and accept that this is your new lot in life? I really can't be bothered to look through every post in the history of this here network, but from the pages that I did read, I'm beginning to think it's the latter.

Personally, I'm not too keen on following suit if that's the case.



Locked from John Winchester

I haven't fought with John like this in awhile. I don't know what made me speak up in the first place. It's just... I raised those boys too. He and Sam are fighting again and I shouldn't have offered my two cents.



[No Subject]

Christ. If I knew it would be an arm to get across the pond, I would have just swam there. Or learn to fly myself.

Almost a thousand euro for a one way ticket. Seats better be made of fuckin' gold. Can get us tickets for tonight at 22:30 if we're willing to pay the Devil for them.



[No Subject]

Since it hits me that there IS enough money in my pockets to do some of the things I've always wanted, and something special is occurring that night, I'll be having a get-together of sorts, in just about a month, on October 26th, in Saint Petersburg, since it's easy enough to get to via the transporter tech here.

If you'd like to come, since I have no reason to hate any of you, you'd all be very much welcome. We'll pick one of the finest restaurants the city has to offer, one of those places, if I can find it, that I've always wanted to eat inside of, instead of in the back alley, that's been there since I was last in the city, and we'll have the BEST of everything possible.

If you aren't eighteen, no one is likely to give you a hard time about it, if you want to join us in the drinking and the drinking games and the FOOD is going to be AMAZING. And after, since I doubt it's changed very much, I'd be glad to give you tours of my old neighbodhood and the best places to see EVERYTHING.

There IS the chance we'll have some snow, since it WILL be late October, but with any luck, the fall colors are going to hold instead if anyone wanted to stroll through the park first and get a good look around the place while I'm getting last minute things taken care of.

Do I have any takers here?

...Is anyone willing to help me dress for the big night? I currently don't have anything that'd WORK for this sort of an affair. All three of my shirts are a little more casual, my vest and trousers from home are a little worn and I don't think my pair of jeans is going to help much. Ideas on that front would be good?



[No Subject]

Out of very morbid curiosity, and confusion, and quite a few other emotions I'm uncertain how to process surrounding the issue, is the "five second rule" a boy thing, a man thing, or a generally slightly odd thing that people here do? And I doubt it really applies to gravy, does it?


Which one of you introduced the concept to Dmitry and/or Shay? I realise we are wolves but I've not seen anyone ELSE lick sauces from the floor. I've seen certain other acquaintances licking wine and other spills from the bar in the pub, mind you, but....

[Balthier and Noah]

Thank you for all that you've done to help us help my brother to readjust. I feel like I can breathe easy again and while it's taking him longer to get there, I know you've helped set his mind at ease. It means quite a lot, that.



[No Subject]

Well. I just got the unmistakable urge to punch myself in the face.

[Pack Filter]
Just so you know, there's another Alpha here now. We don't see eye to eye, but try and be nice? I should be telling myself that.

What are you going to tell him? I don't want you to leave m