Angel Grove Net

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August 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

If I.. I have so many things to keep myself from having nightmares....

So why do I keep having them?



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Kurt.... I just... I remember a lot of stuff.....

But I just found out I have a brother.



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I got a brand new box of crayons! I can totally do my homework now. I can also draw a rainbow! I am so excited.



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Teenagers are weird and dramatic, right? Even my favorite little sister was weird and dramatic before around the time she was in Grade 11 or so, and my future daughter, Roxie, during that week our future spawn all turned up, but I don't remember any of them being as weird or dramatic as Enjolras.

Maybe it seems that way because I know him as older, as our fearless leader in the bid for revolution in one lifetime and major social changes in another, but waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and finding him still awake while he composedly refuses to go the fuck to sleep, telling me that the republic can't rest is something else again.

And then the fact I had to seriously get a mini fridge with a lock to put his energy drinks in because I've seen the kid go through six in an entire day.

And the one where he forgets to eat and seems annoyed when I pull him out of whatever weird reverie he's in to do this is...

By the time I got to Enjolras in Paris, he was out of balance, but this is extreme, even for him. Seeing one of your already desperately young friends being actually immature for the first time, over stupid things is....eye opening to say the least.

...Does anybody have any ideas to cope with this, since I'm now legally his guardian and they think we're biologically brothers now and all. I don't want to stifle him or anything, but this is....

I'm pretty sure it isn't normal. Help?