Angel Grove Net

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August 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

I'm really starting to get addicted to Muggle books. They're so interesting. I mean, I was Muggle born but once I was in the Wizarding world, Muggle things fell by the wayside.

I just wish Ron was here. I'm reading so much because I miss him.



[No Subject]

In the few weeks I've been in your world, free from flames , though not, entirely, from fighting, I've been learning a fair bit about your world, and how difficult the distance between some places and people are. There is the Maker, always, to provide balm and comfort for a lonely heart, but surely, we are not meant to sit idly by and let Him organize everything when there are options and resources He has sent our way that WE are to use.

His answers do not always come in instant solutions but in sparks or people, or requests, and for mine, I think it only right I step into this world properly. What IS it adults do to socialise here, properly?



[No Subject]

When the background check people mess up your documentation and YOU end up stuck repaying for the appointment and fingerprinting to be taken again.

Annoying, eh? Stressful. And I could have used that sixty bucks. I might have needed to use my meds. I hate...

But having an actual job, with kids, while I'm getting back into qualifying for this world's NHL? Worth it, I'd say.



[No Subject]

Okay. I've been thinking about this for awhile. There's no point to hide anymore. I'm gay.

And I'm finally okay with it. Just wanted to tell the world.