Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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July 15th, 2017



Family Filter

Guys.... I have to tell you something.



[No Subject]

[Pack filter]
Are all of you doing okay? This shit's crazy.

Keep Liam inside. Those things are out there.



[Locked from Family]

i get it's unfair of me and i'm being imature and stupid to get upset over this when real problems are happening in the world and right in front of us and all, and that no one can help things and its petty to be upset, but why did it have to be when i had plans, big important special to me plans that have gotten fucked due to this alien thing?

I just really had been looking forward to camp and getting out of here and away from these people and out to do something i like, and instead I've gotten, well, this lot of nothing since its all on hold due to this invasion and they're refunding the deposit now, and the other people in my life are currently pissed enouhgh that my thing with them's probably been called off and...

Well, it ISN'T fucking fair that I was looking forward to something and i lost it through no fault of my own, is it? Maybe acceptance that nice things don't hapen to me like ever and im cursed for them's still an important takeaway in this.

I just wish something would turn out even though I know nows now the thyme to be focused on that anyway i guess?