Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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July 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Fidget spinner, or face-smasher-inner?

Either way, guess who didn't end up mugged?



[No Subject]

Oh man, who else remembers American Gladiators? I miss it. Plus I know Maggie likes it and we used to watch it together.



[Locked from Jacob and Evie]

Now, I am an historian, and have been one much of my life, but suddenly a brilliant documentary when you're not sleeping, as per the usual's just shed some light on two of my underlings I hadn't considered when I thought of the social difficulties they've been having here before. When two lower class kids come to London in the bloody Victorian era, when they attempt to seize social mobility, and when they get it and they run amuck with newfound power, and became a bloody dame and knight who've somehow got the ear of the prime minister and the queen...

They're not going to make a lot of friends by upsetting the social order, are they? And they're going to be suspicious and a little clannish as the damned result. There's EXPECTATIONS they're still holding and...I see a little more where my biggest problem as of the moment, barring this War Of The Worlds style hoax, have come from.

...I probably was a little hard on Jacob, I'll admit it.



[No Subject]

Any chance you guys have Mulder and Scully on line 2 somewhere? Because seriously, the FBI doesn't have a clue right now.



Mass message

Calling all mutants with an offensive gift! Good or bad, we need to unite against a common threat, and join the fight against the alien invasion.

If you intend to fight, meet me in the park in Angel Grove! I'll be there all day.



Private to Maxxie Oliver

Hey, babe.... please tell me you're okay. I heard there was something going on.