Angel Grove Net

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April 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Should I start to be concerned that local law enforcement knows my family and I so well we're on the sort of first name basis that involves them coming in for tea after they've brought whoever it is this time in? Or run into down the pub while they're off duty so you each pick up a round? That we have a particular officer assigned to us who knows and can chat about everything going on in our lives because he's so prepared for it? Who can point out medical equipment that was ditched by one of your family members on the seat when he left the pub?

Would whoever's gone with Aedan tell him that was a nice try but he's got to get back home now, please?



[No Subject]

I have been busy at thinking since that bit not so long ago when it was that our dreams had trapped us all. More that the one which carried horrors, mine carried memory of those I have loved, and yes, have left behind me, but of choices, awful ones which I had thought me bound to make for the lack of other option when I had let myself stay blind out of conviction in a love that cannot have been, in Camelot, and a stupidly sense of a refusal to throw out what I would never have and craved. I remain loyal to that fixation, and the want when I know it is not healthy and can do no good for anyone.

I think that maybe it might have become the time to let some things begin to change or try to change them in my way. It seems like time to let them go and to see what it is this world has to offer me beyond the thought of lovers and loves past, and horses and long flights alone. I do need people, companions like but different from those lost, and romantic ones perhaps who can see myself and not the knight, or prince, or faerie charms.

Is anyone willing to teach me or to show me in those ways it might be done? I could so badly use at least a friend.




What's this world's strongest prison? Something equivalent to my world's Arkham, hopefully.