Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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March 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

One dramatic teenager in the house I could near handle. Two's pushing things a bit,and it's not as though we're living in close quarters. Our Aedan's one thing and he's responding well enough when I take over if his athair's looking close to breaking, but an upset Firebug's far more than I can bear. Poor Lass,no matter what we do's convinced we're mad over a little fire at her school, though it's been deadly calm around her since it happened. I don't know what the bloody place and principal made her expect, but it's nothing that my brother's mad about.

I'm not lying and saying Bas was not mad, aye,he was near on furious but at the bloody school, not her. Her fire setting only happens now when she's upset, she's usually got so much control of it. Bas doesn't want her going out with the group of her "mates" he's sure's the reason, but try getting a lass of fourteen to understand that much when she's already upset.

And I'm the uncle who's supposed to make it better, eh no? How's that happening exactly when I've no real clue myself?



[No Subject]

I think I want to get a dog. A big one, and give it a name like Tiny. It'd be nice to scare the shit out of people walking by my house.

I'm really fucked up sometimes.



[No Subject]

I still can't believe Lisa's chasing this mayor dream. I shouldn't even be thinking about her. She's not really in my life and I like it that way. Maggie's my best friend though, especially here.

Although I do need to get out there more. I'm 21 years old, and all I do is work. Although honestly, that's not so bad either. Mom would kill me if she knew what I did for a living, but I honestly love it. I make good money, too.

Enough to take care of Mags and that's what's important.



[No Subject]

Um...Bonjour? What IS this place and why are all of you dressed so funny?