Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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March 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, this Sherlock Holmes fellow is amazing. Solving all these crimes without magic. What you Muggles can do, it boggles the mind.



[No Subject]

Bob better have been able to come here with me or someone's in trouble.

Harry Dresden, can someone tell me what the fuck is happening?



[No Subject]

How do...... what is.... what is this?

Is it still 1978??



[No Subject]

Okay. I have a daughter to get back to. So whatever this is, it stops now.



[No Subject]

This for one, is a way more technological computer than I'm used to, and second, not Castle Rock.

Sheriff Alan Pangborn, can someone tell me what's going on?



[No Subject]

I was JUST starting to get seriously working towards my patch. What the hell is going on?

Jax is going to KILL me if I don't finish that bike.



[No Subject]

My life is utter shite. School was bloody horrible, but all anybody cared about was how I'm failing history and gym until I got expelled today because I set the guidance counselor's office on fire, and now I don't know WHAT I'm going to do because nobody notices or cares about anyone but my bloody brother.

He's got his problems, don't get me wrong, but nobody'll let me try explaining what I did, and they're going to get police involved, and it isn't my fault there was a fire and a couple computers got destroyed, and then, on top of that, I couldn't go to the movies with my friends tonight, because no one will listen and we'd wanted to see Beauty and the Beast for MONTHS, but they're all making me stay in my room because they only care about yelling at me, instead of seeing all the awesome things that I've been doing, and it's JUST NOT FAIR AND I HATE EVERYTHING!!!! ARRRGH

I need to do something, soon.