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February 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Guess who managed to break free of ALL of them? No more guards to trail me and attempt to coerce me, mind control me or worse, no one to hurt me when I accidentally fuck something up and am afraid to tell people, and nobody to punish me for living my own life, or making me afraid to confess when something I've done's wrong. I'm free. No guards, no sister, and no Da, no boyfriend to disappoint and ruin by being a fuck up, since I don't deserve one or to be happy after what I pulled.

...Well, I do miss two of those all right but I'm not going home until my demands are met, all right then? This has been too good to do anything else with, hasn't it?

The fact Cas suddenly grew up and we had a clean run at stadium jumping today makes it even better somehow.



[No Subject]

You won't believe who I just finished speaking with, after a long, long night on a ship sailing through the world's most amazing seas. I've never found the peace that he does on a ship, nor that of my son, Connor, but there IS something comforting in being with one's father once again, looking at the stars dotting a dark blue sky and speaking of anything and everything that's come to pass since you last knew each other.
Spoilers for AC 3 Novel: Forsaken )

He looks the same way that he always does, in my memory, my father, my hero, and, for all that I feared that he would hate me, we spent the night and early into the morning talking of anything and everything, particularly my choices, and my allegiances to the Templar Order over Father's Assassin Brotherhood and I thought, surely, towards the end, when he learned of my sister, and of my son and everything that I've done wrong, that he would hate me now, that things could never have been what they were, but he surprised me.

Instead of looking at me with hate in his eyes, or even that terrible look of shock the last time that I saw him as a child, his eyes were warm, he pulled me into his arms, embraced me and he said the words that perhaps, I needed most to hear.

He said that he was proud of me, both as a boy and of the fine man I'd become.

I needed that, and him, far more than I can say, and he's not gone anywhere yet.

I think the next few days will be amazing.



[No Subject]

Turns out I need advice on bringing my stubborn, overly defiant, openly dangerous to himself, young man into line and fast as possible before he is hurt or killed doing something very dangerous.

I've had Aedan three years now, and it seems that every time I try to help him or find someone who can, it doesn't work. It's time to try a new method for handling him.

How do you get a strong willed kid to mind what you say, without resisting you, stop lying, and actually generally not act like a rude little shit, short of killing him, when grounding doesn't work because he breaks it, he won't listen to security or anybody else, and you aren't sure the method that'd be best to shape him up before it's too late.

I've got a few ideas to try, but suggestions from more experienced parents than I would be most welcome.



[No Subject]

Every time I close my eyes I see the doctor telling us that my grandma was gone. Even when I'm not asleep. I just, I miss her so much.

And my moms, they don't deserve to have me gone too. I don't want them to ever worry about me like they had to worry about Grandma.



[No Subject]

I am so glad Blaine's awake. I am so sad that he doesn't remember much. That must be hard.

But I'm also deliriously happy, because I am going to be playing Mrs. Lovett in London.



[No Subject]

Swear,don' know wha' ta do with meself these days.



[No Subject]

Someone help me, I'm trapped.

Exterminate. Exterminate.




[No Subject]

This is fascinating