Angel Grove Net

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February 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

We're super early in the run, but long enough I've started racking up great stories if you want to hear some super awkward, super hilarious stuff the audience only sometimes notices.

Soo. Friday.

Start of Act Two, we've got most of the ensemble hanging around, dressed in ball clothes, the stage is filled and my Marguerite and I are making our entrance, when suddenly, I notice there seems to be something stuck on my shoe. Once you're in character, you try ignoring that, so we kept going through the blocking, even while we've got some people trying not to lose their shit.

And then, I notice people dancing near us trying to avoid the area around me for whatever reason. When I finally had the chance to get a look at what was going on, I'd somehow gotten toilet paper, a HUGE trail of it, stuck on my high heeled shoe, under my stage wife's skirt and it took a bit of tugging to get it kicked away and free, at which point, no one's making face contact with if they can help it.

Luckily, being Sir Percy, in his all of his fop glory, and not the Scarlet Pimpernel in the scene (Spoilers? Damn) I sort of even pulled it off. We got yelled at during notes about being really careful from now on, but seriously, funniest day I've had this run, I'll keep all of you updated as stuff goes on, even when I'm trying NOT to die.



[No Subject]

Guys. My sister Lisa is running for mayor. Now granted, the guy she's running against isn't the best for the job, but neither is Lisa. She's a Buddhist vegetarian who thinks that if you don't think like she does, then you're wrong. Who does that sound like? A certain president who shall remain nameless.

I can't tell you what to do, I'd be just as bad as her. But do me a favor and don't vote for her.



[No Subject]

Some time ago, I offered to hear confessions and grant absolution in the name of blessed Andraste, and while I am not comfortable with that anymore, I am offering my services as an adviser and listener if there is anything on your minds. I promise not to go religious nutjub on you, but I do have experience with this sort of thing, and I am here.

Just as an offer.



[No Subject]

Sometimes I wonder how my brother can be like he is. I mean, I love him, and he's one of the best brothers a girl could ask for, but I still wonder why he dislikes our sister Lisa so much. I mean, I'm so much younger than they are, so it's not like I could really know what happened when we were kids, I was just a baby.

I just, I just wonder sometimes.