Angel Grove Net

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October 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well, you've all got shite beer here, haven't you?



[No Subject]

Question of the day: When is it acceptable to slam a three inch ring binder (not the clothing item) over someone's head?

...Midterms AND a new idiot in my life determined to piss me off at the same time are just too much.



[No Subject]

Got a bit tired of not having an owl around the place to send out mail and all the rest, and so I finally got round to doing something about that.

Meet Artemis )

She's small yet, but she'll get there.



[Meant to be locked from all senshi, even Mamoru]

Cut for possible TW on abortion )



[No Subject]

I'm bored. Can 7.1 of Legion come out yet? I never played in it the future- I regret not having done sooner. BUT THE WAITING SUCKS.

And oh the Sylvanas feels at that beginning. I <3 that lady so much. Just let her be happy by being grumpy somewhere safe.



[No Subject]

You would think I knew by now how hardcore my da can get about things when he's decided to steel himself towards whatever end he has in mind, but somehow, I still got surprised by half of it. Turns out the title's still something I have to earn, even though, presumptively, it's mine.

So, today? Time to start learning everything ruling entails. Obviously, I said START, it's not going to be something I just rush through, or even work out over a year or so, like the reading thing, and it'

Damn. Just because I'm here, not home, is no reason to neglect statecraft, apparently, so statecraft's what it will be, and it's intense. I'll do the work. It's WORTH the work, I mean, but still. Today he brought in just the basic bits,and then some economic theory and I...


I think my head's going to be spinning for a while yet.

But someone thinks that I can do this too. Last person I thought I meant anything to. That's...something, isn't it?

Maybe my head's a little done in by THAT too.