Angel Grove Net

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September 4th, 2016



[No Subject]

I have NEVER felt so alive before. Or so close to my brother Aedan makes a good servant until I'm ready to dispose of him has been shockingly USEFUL to most of my plans, you know. I never thought I'd see the day, but then, he's seen the extent of my power now, and knows I won't hesitate to use it what I can do, perhaps it's changed. Or he's grown up a bit.

Either way, yes?



[No Subject]

So, since Barton can't come to the phone anymore, or the internet right now, I'm gonna play secretary and bring up a point he had. In fact, he's here, so I'll go ahead and translate since we've been talking about this a lot and trying our damnedest but not getting far.

"Anybody found anything that repeals the demons yet? Like, what, silver for faeries? Like in that movie? Or Vampires and stakes? Would holy water maybe do it? I've made paint chamber arrows and bolts, it'd be a similar idea, right? Anybody know where we can get some to TRY it? Cause I'm game."

Seems like an okay idea to ME, but my priest is kind of long dead and I haven't found a new church in all this madness that's okay with me. Anybody know anybody? Old priests and young ones wanna apply?

Let us know?



[Pretend this was RIGHT after Tia's post]

Can any of the ladies here help me out? We've got a lost girl in...I'm not sure where,but I've got the coordinates and I think it might be a good idea if I brought one of you along to help me find her. Poor kid might be a little less afraid than of a strange guy.

And I swore I wasn't going to do this, but desperate times and measures, especially with what's going down in the rest of the world, right? I'll be the guy in the shades.