Angel Grove Net

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August 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

I've not mentioned this from the last time I posted, since I've not had much time lately, what with the being in a shite load of trouble, feeling a bit off after that, having been on another restriction that lasted just about forever, and then Da having decided to, I don't know, cut the reins loose on me, but there's a bit of a big change I'd like to talk about here if I can.

I appear to have become a da... )

Makes up for a lot of the summer's shite to have this in front of me instead. I never thought I had much future here but...maybe I've just got one after all.



[No Subject]

Where am I? What about the kids? Who's going to take care of the kids?



[No Subject]

Seeing as how were all a bit spread out lately, thought you lot could do with a proper place to take the edge off. And what use is having a pub night without a pub?

It's not much but I think she's bleeding beautiful, inside and out. Course, you lot can drop by any time, but thinking friday's will be free, yeah?



[No Subject]

It has come to my attention that I am boring, no fun, and horrible to be around these last several months. It may be time to lighten the load a little, stop worrying so much and attempt to enjoy some aspects of the world and situation we're now in. In almost a year, I've done very little to enjoy this place and the friends I've made here, and that needs to change as much as it possibly can.

How do you go about learning to let down your hair when it's been so long since the last time you tried? My constant vigilance has done nothing but make things worse and cause me to forget the things that matter most here. But there's got to be something, right?



Good news!

I'm now officially enrolled as a freshman, and school's in a few weeks! Now I've got to make a schedule for myself, including a few options I'm not really sure about. Does anybody have electives they really liked? I was thinking about maybe art?