Angel Grove Net

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August 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

I've got a fairly weird question to ask if nobody minds indulging me for now? At least, for this world, it will seem strange, where a glorious republic is a thing many take for granted, not something we still strive with everything towards, but, regardless...

Do you ever have the urge to call the people that you speak to Citoyen...ah Citizen? As in Citoyen Enjolras, for example? Or, I guess, Comrade if you take the Russian?




[No Subject]

What the hell is this? Scott? Lydia? Kira? Are any of you here?



[No Subject]

Okay, this is...this is bad. It was already looking pretty bad and now it's just gone even worse. They, everybody, Josh, the Wendigo and that old guy and the cops...

And then I end up HERE? I mean, no offense, I'm sure this place is okay, it's just...nice town, guy covered in blood being accused of murder wanders in, what IS somebody going to think? I mean, just, shit I...

Uh. I like the phone this world gave me, thanks for that?



[No Subject]

It's been a while, internet. And I've been busy. But I do bring funny stories that involve pain and embarassment for people who aren't you, you'll probably at least sympathy laugh for me, right?

So, guess who went down during La Vie Boheme last night? For some reason, if it's not you tubed already, to my abject and utter horror, I overstepped a mark and wound up on the ground, and, well, long story short, I made it through the show but had to skip stage door to go and get an x-ray, and, longer story short, my alternate's on through the next four days, since I'm a great big idiot who's not allowed to weight bear until then.

What's going ON in the world since I checked in last? Anybody dating anybody (because hell, am I not ready), wrecking any havoc, doing generally amazing things? Somebody entertain me, please?