Angel Grove Net

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June 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

Bloody hell, what is this? What is going on?



[No Subject]

Okay. I guess I should look for some sort of a job.



[No Subject]

I thought I had another month before the kid thing happened, but home apparently had other ideas, maybe better ones. The bloodwork checks out, and Lian's mine. She has some of the weird things that my blood did (we got a mage who isn't going to tell anyone official about me), the clone markers. So..she's not Real Roy's daughter or Guardian's, or anyone else but mine.

Mine. I have a daughter, and I'm going to have a son by this time next month, and I have the most wonderful best friend in the world to raise them with, and a sort of brother in law and...I don't know, it's like a family. Like a real, actual family, that I never thought I'd have and definitely don't deserve. I don't GET how it's happened, but I like it, even with the internal panic meter going off right now.

I've been at home, for the most part, because I can't be found, due to said clone thing, but I want to do SOMETHING to make their life better while Thea's off and not able to work once Robin's born. She wanted me to stay with him, and now Lian, until they've got preschool and stuff, but I think it'd be better to provide a little, maybe? Anyone willing to help me find something that doesn't have to be documented, or that I can maybe do from home?

Also, uh. Does anyone know anything at all about kids? I've been reading the books, but things like where to shop, how many of the little outfits to buy, car seat recommendations, how much underwear we're supposed to put in Thea's hospital bag, what we do with one kid while the other's sleeping? And can I leave the room while Lian's asleep right now?

And there's still the question of how either of them happened from the universe? OH and Godparents. Is it cool to have two godfathers for one kid and how do you ask anyway. We've been meaning to ask the one for ages, but...

Ideas, maybe?