Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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June 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

At which point does fratricide become an acceptable option, again?



[No Subject]

What is going on? Jason? Trini?



[Voice Post]

[Clint's speech is fairly distorted by this point. He hasn't heard it in a while, so...All the same , better than trying to write.]

It's looking like I need more help than I thought before. When I got here, it was after I got hurt stopping a fight, and my hearing was an on again, off again thing. A while more down the line, it isn't settled into anything yet, but it's looking like I'm looking at some extensive damage here. The doctors don't want me in an aid yet, until it's stable. So...I'm gonna need a way to communicate and...

Anybody who interacts with me...I need to see your lips so I can read em, I don't even know how this thing I'm doing sounds myself, it just plays back all...occasionally static and I don't get much. So I need to maybe learn something like ASL. Only...problem two.

I didn't go to school regularly or anything. I was real young when I ran away to join the circus and there weren't a lotta enforceable laws and...I can only sort of read? And I do it really slow. So any of the books about it, or captions, they're only gonna get me so far right now.

Anybody here who could maybe help in person?

Either way, I feel better I came really clean, I guess, stead of hinting around.



[No Subject]

For all of the good that might be found in contemplation and the seeking of resolution and my truths, perhaps staying entirely within the confines of a pilgrim's life is not the help I'd thought that it may be to me, alone. If I were to take up my bow again, would anyone begrudge me some companionship in training?