Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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May 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

So being sixteen or so again's not SO bad, I guess. Kind of nice my back's not doing its usual thing (seriously kids? Don't get old, and don't go to prison in developing countries no matter who's hired you to track down what artifact if you don't wanna wind up with a whole fuckload of trouble from the injuries you shrugged off while you were on the inside) , at least. But uh, couple problems with this scenario. Got an auction to mess up in Paris Monday they're not gonna let me into lookin like I do, and uh, out of smokes and nobody'll actually believe I'm way past old enough to buy 'em here.

...Anybody wanna hook a guy up? Kids, if you're old enough looking right now, I'll return the favor for the smokes in smokes of your own, or booze when you can't get it. Anybody who wants to help stop people being disgusting and selling stuff that isn't even theirs and could get stolen back where it belongs who wants an adventure and some karmic justice points, you let me know.



[No Subject]

[Current Photo Of Sebastian Here]

If anyone happens to see my da, please DO let Ellie or I know where he is, as he's not meant to have left the house at all, seeing as he's on a restriction for either two weeks or however long until this ends and he's gone back to normal for some really horrible behavior. If I didn't know for a fact I was not half as much trouble as he's being and that Ellie has been even less trouble, I would swear the man had kept his mind and was doing this on purpose. NOT cool.

We'll be having a long discussion whenever he sees fit to return, believe me. Like it or not, and much as I don't, my sister is my Princess and my Lady just now, and she'll be so in the future and I won't see her disrespected like this again from anybody, even Da.

If that's what all this taught me, maybe it's good that it's happened after all. Granted, I'm still going to be making sure he understands he's not to do this again. Once I've figured out his greatest motivator.

Yeah, we didn't know he'd left. It's a big house and grounds and I assumed he was on one of the balconies or other wings or beach or poolhouse or something and not... Well look, don't judge us too much anyway, we're not old enough to even be thinking about spawning, much less teenagers. Feck's sake, I'm sixteen and Ellie's not fifteen until September. Makes only proper sense we'd have no clue, doesn't it?