Angel Grove Net

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January 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is weird and kinda...ancient as far as tech levels go, but, I really need to contact a couple of people, so I'm hoping I can manage to work this, and all.

So...I'm here from Corcuscant. They said your planet is called Earth and this city is called Angel Grove. I got that part okay, though Earth looks like it has a lot of countries and other places like that. Lots of water too, though I guess you're not exactly like Naboo or anything, with people who live under it? all look the same? No offense but that's pretty weird right there.

Uh sorry, that's a little rude. My master always tells me not to just SAY what I'm thinking even if it's true. Speaking of, I was hoping that somebody might be able to help me find him, or that he might be here. I can't FEEL him anywhere near me, but maybe my connection to the Force has gotten messed up. It's a lot dimmer here, definitely but I haven't met anyone who can use it so that COULD be part of why, right? If he isn't, and there are other Jedi? It'd be really good to hear from them.

So, Obi-Wan, if you're out there, I'm really, really trying to find you, like now would be fantastic? I'm hurt and can't really get around right now and it's annoying and I miss you and I've started having nightmares again. Please come and find me if you can, okay?