Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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April 10th, 2015



This is Rty typing. Rot. Roy. Shutup In tryingh!1 :)

Thid is mr tryihn to type with lrft hand. Nrwe pt is reaalygreat and lisyrebs towhat I want. the situatuion stll sucks on a lot og lrvrls but ayt leasy i got to fitr the asshole whio thought she was mu boss, anfd not ythere to do ewhat i ljwanted to do insread of her shitty ass agrncga. New pt says to ptractce stiddf sure,but she dsnt make his intok something about hrt and not me. becase seriously? the basis of these appointments is that it's about me. And no fuvking prodthethic. Ever.

Life will never go bacjk to noy totally ducking, buy it hs is high opinyts sometimrd. Also, this is so shuuity looking and tiring. But I typred it by myself. i have to admit I fdo feek accomplidrf righ niw.

I CAB TYOE BY MYSELF NOW! THIS IS ROY AND I VAN TYPE! I was frusyttatd but I krpt trying abd didnt even hve to bugd Thea for help.

I'm ptrtty fuvking wesome reall.

OOC Translation.Not provided for characters )



[No Subject]

First, and most importantly, I have a life-changing announcement ripe for sharing with all of you who enjoy biting into and sharing most ripe things. I, Dorian Pavus, Scion of House Pavus, possessor of the most fantastic arse in at least both universes I have had the pleasure to exist in, and who sits around on said fantastic arse eating bonbons and watching teles and my other stories highly enlightening programmes on the educationally themed networks to learn things about this world , have decided that I ought to attempt working for a living. And, naturally, because I am so witty, charming, and particularly erudite, another fancy word that I love, Ha!, I have been offered and accepted a fine job working within Angel Groove's fine library system.

Specifically, I'll be the "young adult" librarian, in charge of overseeing and stocking media for youths, and corrupting...I mean coordinating, events, book talks and all the rest, with a specialized focus on creating a series of workshops on using reference materials appropriately and effectively.

I begin working part time on Monday afternoon, and, naturally, I am in awe of the fine traits I posses that allowed for me to be offered the position in the first place. Congratulations to me on having a perfectly lovely face, and to my mother for enlisting magic during my birth, ensuring that my head or any of the rest of me did not come out disgusting flat and lumpy, I suppose.

Secondly, and perhaps, more importantly, I have lately noticed many of us who hail from Thedas have posted here, and realized we might not somehow be aware of each other's fine presences. That is, I certainly know I do not know all of you who are here now, though you needn't try to make me feel better about being neglectful to my universemates by pretending you had not noticed and were not already admiring me.

Contemplation of perfection aside, I would like for this to serve as something of a gathering place for those of you, from Thedas to coordinate activities, meet up, and, of course, to bring your helpful and ingenious coordinator lovely thank you gifts to acknowledge my effort and my utter dazzlingly brilliant qualities at the same time. I prefer lokum, proper coffee, silks, broacades and velvets, and, happen to look best in green and blue if you needed the proper information. And, of course, recommendations, travel directions, and the opening hours for your favorite proper bookshops as well, with none of this 'kindle' nonsense, thank you very much indeed.

Really,all of you who hail from Thedas please feel free to mix and mingle here, I do hate knowing I've missed finding some old and dear, and other very new, perhaps equally dear someday, faces, so use accordingly. And congratulations, of course, will certainly be accepted in this space as well.

Have a wonderful week-end, all of you.



[No Subject]

Well at least Brittany and I ended up married on the show too.