Angel Grove Net

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March 20th, 2015



Shite my da says.

I am told there was a social media blog...a "twitter" if that's the right word, and then a television show called "shit my dad says" in which a son recorded the crazy and random things his father actually said. I dislike television and movies and the internet confuses me a great deal but I do like the concept, and mine's pulled out a few that strike me as really hilarious in a few circumstances. I'll share a few, with commentary, and then you people are invited to join in. Sound good?

Try reading these outloud since I'll write them the way he says them and Starkhaven's got a dialect that's a little confusing when you haven't been around it much.

shite my da says )

There's some other things going on around here too that aren't exactly great, and that I'm not entirely fond of or approving of, but I don't want to write about them here.

Suffice to say, long, boring conversations with your father about making Andraste weep when I do some things because she and the Maker love all of us, even me is...I don't know. Not she, the Maker or anybody else has ever gave a shite before I got here and I'm not sure they're with us now, or take much interest.

Working out how to make things better with her's hard. Making them better with someone that you hurt is even harder. I don't know that I'll ever manage that much, but it'd be nice to not completely fuck up for a change.



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Okay. Working in a hotel and not an inn can be sooooo exhausting. Honestly.



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Why is there a movie about Anastasia and I? I don't understand...... it's not even us. There are other people in the roles....



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I can't believe that in the movie about me I ended up with Ryder..... that guy... I mean, he got me out of my tower but that doesn't mean that I would be with him.