Angel Grove Net

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March 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Are supposedly mature adults in their late twenties supposed to get the urge to sulk when they lose a bout? When they lose to one of their best friends who is usually so lackluster with a blade, and who has such shitty footwork that it hurts?

Cause that's a thing. I don't know what planet M. Darnay is from that he's suddenly pulled victory out of his ass against ME, but I DO demand satisfaction by the blade all the same.

I'm used to you medieval historical fantasy people being able to take me, you don't follow rules when you're fighting for your life or someone else's but what in the HELL? I'm a fucking musketeer, the Athos of this little organization if anyone is and it is NOT going to stand that I am beaten by a man who barely fights epee at all.

Or one who is THAT much older than me.

I mean, seriously.

Who lets things like that stand? As soon as he can be found for a rematch, I am damned well going to see it done.

...Since the man who would have been my second has so carelessly betrayed me, I will need to pick another. Recommendations, all of you?



Locked from Aedan, otherwise open to the network.

If someone was in the market for a family "therapist", one who is able to work with royalty without letting that turn their head, where might he begin looking for such a blessing? has dealt my son a great many issues, and it is far past the time to get to the bottom of them. The version of myself that did not end up here, along the timeline, has taken some measures with him that I do not agree with anymore, he's been involved with a gang, grew up rather poor and I believe all of those have contributed to a good deal of his behavior here.

That behavior has reached the point where it's harmed others and it's high time that an expert have a look at us and our situation to see what must be done, whether that is locking him away somewhere, imposing some kind of a system that makes sense, or anything else. I've not known him a full month, yet, or that he existed prior to his arrival here, but I do want to help him, and myself, to know what to do, or how to respond, even if that means that helping him includes sending him to live somewhere that can teach him a better way. I have heard that there are schools and hospitals.

It's not the thing I want to do, first off, without trying a few things here, but, at the end of the line, it IS a possibility that I may need to think about, but one that comes after trying other steps, I think. I'd like to get those steps started soon as possible if I may.

I'll not have another incident in which he hurts someone so badly again. The least that I can do is lead the horse to water, and hope it drinks. I'd like to get that leading going, if I might.

Also, I think that I would like a job. I was a brother in the chantry...a priest if you will, once, am the Prince of Starkhaven and saw to business and daily affairs and I'm a damned good archer, bumming myself up or not, but I do not see those applying so much to daily life here, somehow.