Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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January 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Well, THIS blows.

I want my best friend back, and I want things to stop hurting and I don't know what they did to me and that worries me a LOT, and I don't know what they're doing to Roy and I don't know at ALL anymore. I'm still too young to handle this crap, even though I've been trying with Roy. Every door I find, I get laughed at, or the door in my face or having it suggested that I get some help for my exaggerations and "compulsive lying", and I just...I don't know anymore, I really don't.

Life's a complete bitch right now, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better here on out. Instead of moping for long though, who wants to hit up Casino Windsor with me tonight? It's going to be epic. We planned to go together. He was going to show me everything now that I'm old enough to get in legally...Oh Forget it. Some birthdays you spend without your friends, I guess. I don't know anymore. You want in, or to join me later, let me know.



[No Subject]

Why is the Divine in this world a man?



[No Subject]

So, being James Potter all of a sudden gives me a lot of advantages. Ones I'd never considered before. It's bloody brilliant.



[No Subject]

How am I supposed to live in this reality? I mean, seriously...... it's so strange.