Angel Grove Net

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December 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

I was legitimately shocked on my way into work today to be given a blank look when I wished the barista a Merry Christmas and he looked confused, and then had it confirmed when I got here that there are no twelve days of it anymore. Does everyone honestly simply go back to normal on January 2nd, just like that?

If that is the case, then I suppose I need to make the last one count. Is anyone here interested in doing something for the new year, even though, to be quite honest, the urge to drink myself completely insensible in the company of other people faded a good twenty years ago. Not that I am at all opposed to drinking now, in the right circumstances, and I think a bit more than is apparently the cultural milieu of the decade, but I do enjoy being able to taste my wine and brandy.

Is anyone here interested in going on some sort of expedition somewhere we can actually hear ourselves speak or to my apartment for a sort of...

New Year's Eve for civilized people, perhaps? If there are enough of us, we ought to try to coordinate a little, I should think, and leave the crazy teen and twenty year old lot to get up to...whatever they do anymore, again.



[No Subject]

Okay, I need some help. Just had something happen and I need help assessing what it is. I currently keep feeling like I'm drowning all the time, But just 10 minutes ago I got worse, was crying, shaking, and TERRIFIED of everything. Well, till I heard my daughter cry and then I just soothed her and it helped me.

What's wrong with me?



[No Subject]

I miss Sirius. I also don't know how any of this universe works, why people disappear and reappear.



[No Subject]

I can't trust anyone. It's really crippling.