Angel Grove Net

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December 25th, 2014



[No Subject]

This is...annoying. This is not the Strata, my crew is not here and I do not know where I am. More importantly than that, my ship isn't here either. And the is far, far less advanced than I am used to, though not by much, I suppose.

How annoying. I suppose I need a place to stay, since my ship isn't here.



[No Subject]

Shit....... holidays and me don't mix. I..... I need a drink....



[No Subject]

I do not understand all of these human customs. No matter how long I am here.



[No Subject]

I find myself really missing Jack home. I really am surprised. I mean, I didn't think I was that attached to my home.



[Locked to network with failed encyrption. Tried to lock from Ollie but FAIL]

Merry Christmas or whatever else people do, I uh. Have a hypothetical for everybody here.

Say you have a friend. A hypothetical friend. Who has a friend who's done something legitimately illegal, by technical definition of the law, and it's the kind of illegal that could get their friend into a lot of trouble and your friend into trouble by way of aiding and abetting them in their technical law breaking.

BUT say the law is totally unfair and wrong at the same time and totally deserved to be broken anyway, because it's not like what they're going to put out as stolen property is actually their property, or didn't used to be their property even if it's totally stolen and totally worth enough cash that it's technically grand larceny?

And say your friend is hiding said item in their place because really nobody who it was taken from is smart enough to look there and they can definitely get away with it? Like...what do you tell them when it comes to stuff like that?