Angel Grove Net

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November 16th, 2014



[No Subject]

Real Life Clue was such a dumb, dangerous, insanely wasteful way to spend a Saturday night that I have ever been a part of.

I regret absolutely NOTHING.



[No Subject]

It has come time to ask a question I've been holding back on asking for some time. As many here may know, I was a priest, but then a ruling prince. I've not had time since returning home to rule, or coming here, to even think about, well, matters of romance, but I am asking now, I suppose, how one begins the process of...of seeking out that special someone?

I am no stranger to how all of it works, it's only that I was fifteen when I was finally sent away, and it has been so long since I've felt anyone's touch at all, so I am...confused, I suppose as to how romantic things, meeting others and the like, work here.

I only know that I am lonely, that I'd like to try again, and that I like both men and women and would potentially like someone of another gender as well, though I've never met anyone at the right time for that, that I do not want to have... to make love to anyone before it is relatively serious, and the like.

I just...need some help to begin?



[No Subject]

I believe it customary to post some sort of a greeting or, perhaps, a warning, when one returns from a months long hiatus in this place, yes? In some of the places I have been, there was no access to the network, and in others, the time was better spent in training, and in study, then scratching out an existence in this place. And I have...

Things have not changed so drastically from Paris, and my old life there, I suppose, and certainly I have not changed, though my circumstances have shifted a bit. Essentially, I will be doing my old work, only with children. It was needed, so I took it, I suppose.

So, how many of you are pregnant here, now? What felonies have you all been charged with? Does Monsieur Pontmercy's romantic life still take precedence over other issues?



[No Subject]

What is this.... snow stuff? It is white and cold and I do not like it. It also doesn't feel so good when you fall in it when you are drunk.



[No Subject]

Mentions cancer

Okay, it really sucks when you're looking at clumps of your hair in the sink. Any that had started to grow back is gone again due to the chemo. I honestly am tired of dealing with all of this, and having to wear a handkerchief to hide my head. I'm just not a baseball cap kind of guy. I suppose I should be grateful that I'm still here to complain about it.



[No Subject]

Oh shit. I got so drunk last night... I slept with a woman. I've... I've been kind of denying myself that I'm gay for awhile now.... but I didn't.. I didn't expect that something like this would happen. That I would actually act on it. Mostly because I thought maybe it was only Maura I was attracted to.

I have the biggest hangover and bruises all over my legs and back.. although I remember it was really good sex....



[No Subject]

Where am I? This isn't Denver.