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November 5th, 2014



[No Subject]

Sooooo.... First and foremost, congratulations all of us on getting through to the start of the Giftmas season with no permanent casualties and seven weeks of long and boring cliches to tide us over until we're giving each other fruitcakes we don't eat, and shitty presents we'll return or re-gift at the first opportunity.

Now that there are no more holidays til December, I've got a problem to run past you, interent, and you just might be my solution!

You know how in the industry, they like to push out new product early, and get it promoted early and that means that about half a season in, reviewers get completely sick and tired of all the wonderful new seasonal shit they've trotted out.

((trigger warning for off color joke about suicide. Not cut for characters who read)) )

Drunken Giftmas media rant aside, although I'm working on a better one that might actually make editorial, and cutting to the chase, seasonal shit. The industry likes things to get out early, send over a shit ton of samples I can't actually finish because if I so much look at anything pumpkin flavored until next Fall(of man), I seriously will flip out on someone, and I've got a stash of every kind of pumpkin alcohol known to man. These range from good to bad, to mildly in between, but I can't drink any more of them. At all.

Since you're the people who found me dining partners for my on the street reviews, I figure you can help me out again, if you're interested. Please come and take my pumpkin beer, and pumpkin mead and pumpkin vodka and infused rum, and fuck all knows what else, since I've lost trace. I'd offer to have some kind of bizarre post season pumpkin party, but it's probably a little late for that. If I start getting peppermint booze other than schnapps we'll talk about it.

Anyway, for the moment, let me know if you want to take this stuff off of my hands, and I'll be really grateful, though if you're below 18, and don't have a real looking fake ID, I can't give you any. Legal ones though? Take as much as you want, seriously. Let me know, and I'll get you coordinates.



[No Subject]

frères et sœurs v parents.

Round one: frère et sœur: 1 Parents: 0

Throwing up on our school tour guide may have been absolutely disgusting, but it reinforces the idea that I cannot, should not, and will not be going there, or anywhere else in the near future.

I can win their idiotic, stupid battle and insistence that I go to school yet.

I may have pere's blood, but I am my papa and dad's daughter as well, and I have certainly learned my techniques from the best of them. Le Reistance lives on!