Angel Grove Net

February 2024



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May 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

As irritated as I am to have to post this, for the sanity of myself and many of the others here. I feel I must. It has come to my attention that a few people have come into the world with less than perfect circumstances - mentally or physically.

I would have expected you all to behave better, to treat them and their wishes properly instead of forcing onto each other what you personally believe is the right way. But it seems I was incorrect and I have to admit I am disappointed. Severely so. Is it too hard a concept to understand that someones sole intentions could be to keep to themselves? I am going to expect a gift of kindness to be sent to anyone, so long as it is out of what you have budgeted for yourself. You are to take money meant for you, and to treat another here with kindness. Or I shall pull it from your account myself.

This spreads to EVERYONE, not just those involved.

That being said, those new to this world do not get off without a reprimand. I would have expected you to take the grace of a new world with better tact. To understand that people are coming in from worlds that are far from your own. Not as if another country that was slower in it's progression, but an entirely different platform of society. The ways you knew, will not work here. The life you lived? It's no longer- so you will have to deal with it. Life is always tough, you need to learn to go with the waves of it. To accept the sand and the plant life, and to invite the marine life to join.

The world is codependent, everything works better when people have each others best interests in heart. For you, as you know who you are, I require you to each email me for further instructions. If I do not receive this email, I will come to you and my anger and frustration will not be limited behind this computer.

If I were in a better mood, I would end this in a lighter note, but this has not been a calm note for anyone.

I will say, those exempt from this are anyone currently in the hospital or in a life threatening situation physically. Anything else is just an excuse. I will check through the bank system after the week to see. Until then. Respond here or to me personally in a text or email if you have a complaint.

-Kaioh Michiru



Private to Bruce

So... can you tell me what happened with Tony? What is this woman referring to? She told me to spend time with you and Tony.



[No Subject]

So, what the actual fuck is going on here? 'Cause my gaydar is going off like crazy, and there's all kinds of drama going on in this place. If I have to school some bitches, I will.



[No Subject]

Okay... so, like, what just happened? I wasn't here... wherever this is. Does anyone know where Jane is?



[No Subject]

I still don't trust this place.



[No Subject]

Holy Grilled Cheesus! The Avengers are here!! That is so awesome!!



[No Subject]

Trigger: Missing People )

Any last minute tips for an audition, please?