Angel Grove Net

June 2024



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April 28th, 2014



[No Subject]

I think that's fixed it!

Sorry to anyone who got caught up in the wrong body! Leave it to the Ozu family, we'll make sure everything's okay~



[No Subject]

I'm in my normal body again. Damn it feels good to be back. I mean, Carmen has a nice body and all. But she doesn't have the fun piercings I have.



[No Subject]

I'm back in my body. Oh my god it feels so good to look in the mirror and seeing my face and not Kurt's.



[No Subject]

As much fun as that was to know what its like to be a male and with two hearts, I'm glad to have myself back in my body with only one heart. That was a really weird feeling.



[No Subject]

Well, now what am I supposed to do for entertainment now that my mom is no longer a man?



[No Subject]

Well, now that things are back to normal in every way possible, and I am no longer in the body of my closest friend, nor actively dying, what DOES one do as far as finding work here? I am a surgeon at the children's hospital, or was one, anyway, and I am quite open to possibilities of finding anything else to do.

Michel tells me I'd better introduce myself as well, as I do not seem to have done that, my apologies. My name is Alexandre Chastain and the last thing I knew before I came here was that it was 1830 and we were winning the July Revolution in Paris.

I'm told that changed quite quickly after I was dead, that the revolution was, in fact, stolen, and a second attempt two years later was smaller and ended on a rather bad note for those on the barricades, which proves, I guess, that we cannot have everything.

Ending here seems to be not so bad an end, I guess, though, as long as I can find something to do. Any suggestions are quite welcomed now.