Angel Grove Net

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January 24th, 2014



[No Subject]

Holy shit... what if Kurt and I have kids out there? I am not sure I'm down with this....



[No Subject]

I really hope I do not have any children running around out there. Mostly because I am not sure I'd be a good father.



[No Subject]

Aww, now I'm going to miss the party I've been planning for weeks. Sis, bro? You here?



[No Subject]


Dad is going to explode. It's official.

[No Subject]

I never really realized, before, what it is to have a family. I mean people who are related to you, who are a part of you, legally. This, having a son is the first time in my life that I have known what that is like, and the feeling is all at once amazing. To know that there is someone I belong to, who belongs to me, and that there is nothing that will take away that kind of's got a surety I've never thought about before.

Alain is eleven, turning twelve, so given the years between us right now, I'm MUCH more like his big brother than his dad when it comes to age. I mean, I've just turned twenty according to the record my friends keep as far as birthdates go, and here I am with a twelve year old. Most children would, I think, take advantage of that a little, but he does not seem to want to at all.

Generally, he seems happiest if I give him a piece of clay or read to him at night. We just started Harry Potter, and I have to say that I sort of identify with him right now, finding out about Hogwarts and his parents and everything, and finally having a place, people, with whom he fits.

That's me right now too, and this one little boy is all the reason for it. I don't know what this universe is doing much of the time, but I am too happy, no, too content to very much CARE right now.

...On another note though, all of you with children here, of school age, what DO you plan to do with that? Alain tells me that Combeferre, Joly, Jehan, Marius and I were mostly the teachers for our four where he comes from, but what should we do, legally, to make sure this is all acceptable? I don't mean to let anything tear him from me now that he's here.

I'd better go. We have a painting class in an hour and I do want to be sure Alain can join in with no trouble.



[No Subject]

I guess going on an adventure is not going to happen. Bloody hell...where is the TARDIS?



[No Subject]

There seems to be a girl that has my looks and appears to have the same attitude as me. OH NO!! She's my daughter isn't she?? When? many bloody confusing questions.