Angel Grove Net

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December 10th, 2013


[No Subject]

It occurs to me we've all done the irresponsible thing we got on Courfeyrac, Enjolras, and Combeferre about this fall, but simply done it as...most of a group at least, with a few exceptions. Well, one exception anyway. Some of us, and I am not naming names, but you can see that certain members of our little crew were not exactly dealing well with being here so the decision was made to extend a planned expedition to the Christmas markets a little earlier than we had planned, and to stay a little later than we ought have done so.

Paris, for those of us who had not been since we ended in this world, and the Midi as well, for as many of us had places there to call home, were amazing, and the shopping and the foods and well, Provence is something special as someone who never saw it in his life before this, if I am allowed to say that, and we had some needed time to work on and sort some things out all whilst staying in the attic of a small inn with wine and good bread and cheese and...we are not all resolved by far, but it was the most honest and real conversation I have had with my friends since I arrived here, so we can count that much as progress, I'll assume.

In short, I think that it was good for us to spend the time with each other again, and learning how we work. And really, we ought to have said we were going, but emergencies and all of that and executive decisions needed to be made.

So. Here we are again, I suppose. Not quite certain what comes next, but better able to face it together?