Angel Grove Net

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November 1st, 2013



[No Subject]

You, citizens of the Earth, I have come to this place in order to make a great announcement of the change that is upon you at this crucial moment, and to introduce myself as is my right. I think it only fitting that you come to understand your new leader as he stands before you.

I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose in which all of you who follow me shall share as you come to kneel before me and accept your fate such as it is. You, my only too willing pawns in this great game we play.

Craving subjugation, you must come to me, and soon come to understand this is the better way. On your knees and forward, subjects, who were made to be ruled by the greater power that has come before you now. Come to me and witness my great destiny unfold as you accept that leadership which you most crave.

[No Subject]

The world will burn.



[No Subject]

I realize that he has been cutting back a great deal as it is, but I am going to strongly suggest that we reduce both Enjolras's caffiene and sugar intake. He is on the tables at the cafe shouting and waving a red flag about like he's some sort of maniac. Have any of us even heard him raise his voice beyond the purposes of modulation before?

Never the less, I am, quite frankly terrified. Suggestions for curtailing this are welcome.



[No Subject]

...Is this Witch Bandora's doing?

((Trini's turned into Boi, the TigerRanger, her Zyuranger counterpart. SHE WILL NOT BE PLEASED WHEN THIS IS OVER.))